Family Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The single most reliable way to get another prisoner to smile was to ask her about her children. (9.8)

Probably the only thing keeping these women going is the knowledge that someday they'll be out and they'll get to see their kids again.

Quote #8

I wondered if the prison staff connected the miseries of their chosen profession with the miseries of their prisoners' children. (11.86)

Sometimes prison is a sad family affair—one prisoner tells Piper that even her mother was in Danbury. We're not sure why Piper cares what the guards think about this, but she does. Do they have a pool or something, betting on which women's children they'll see next?

Quote #9

"My future in-laws are coming to see me… without Larry!" (14.36)

Piper is panicked, but Larry's parents end up being just as understanding and supportive as her own. They make her feel like a part of their family, even though she's behind bars.