The Supernatural Quotes in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

In that narrow cut of light I saw a face that seemed to have been transplanted directly from the nightmares of my childhood. (1.98)

This is the moment when Jacob realizes, if only for a second, that the stories his grandfather told him were true. Or at least partially true: Monsters exist.

Quote #5

Three [photos] were so obviously manipulated that even a kid would've seen through them. (2.58)

We're not sure why Jacob still believes the photos have been manipulated. Has he managed to deny the fact that Grandpa was killed by a monster? Or can he accept monsters but not peculiar children?

Quote #6

In her hands she held a flickering light, which wasn't a lantern or a candle but seemed to be a ball of raw flame, attended by nothing more than her bare skin. (5.58)

Notice how Jacob says "seemed to be" here—while he can't explain it, he's still not willing to admit yet that Emma is generating fire with her bare hands.