Jacob Magellan Portman Quotes

"How about when you die? Should I burn all your old manuscripts?" (2.52)

Jacob thinks it's a betrayal of his grandfather's memory if he just throws all his stuff away. But maybe it's just an age difference. What's Grandpa going to do with the stuff anyway, now that he's dead? Dad understands that, but Jacob isn't old enough to get that yet.

"Instead you tried to seduce me with food and fun and girls while keeping all the bad things a secret?" (9.48)

Jacob feels betrayed by Miss Peregrine because she's a little selective with the information she chooses to tell him. Does he have a point? Is she manipulating him?

"I got a .22 in my trunk. You just wait." And he walked off to retrieve it. (1.77)

It's a good thing Jacob has brave friends, too. Well, owning a gun is either "brave" or just kind of a Florida thing. We're not sure which.