Identity Quotes in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"We're peculiar," [Millard] replied, sounding a bit puzzled. "Aren't you?"

"I don't know. I don't think so."

"That's a shame." (6.17-6.19)

In this book, it's a good thing to identify as peculiar. Of course, don't all "peculiar" children just want to find others just like them?

Quote #8

[Emma] was heartbroken for someone else, and I was merely a stand-in for my grandfather. (8.180)

Jacob's identity as Abe's grandson isn't normally an issue, but it is with Emma because she was in a relationship with Abe. Jacob can't figure out if Emma likes him for who he is, or because he looks like his grandpa (but without the wrinkles).

Quote #9

[Dad] was forty-six years old and still trying to find himself. (8.216)

Jacob shows a surprising level of empathy for his father. But teenagers know better than anyone how important it is to define your identity at an early age… that way you don't end up like Jacob's dad.