Courage Quotes in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

If it meant that I'd finally be able to put my grandfather's mystery to rest and get on with my unextraordinary life, anything I had to endure would be worth it. (1.129)

Jacob realizes that his fate is at stake here. He can be cowardly and stay home, or he can be brave and pursue his grandfather's past and his own future.

Quote #5

I thought of all the horrors Grandpa Portman had faced in his life, and felt my resolve harden. If there was anyone to find inside, I would find them. (3.120)

Jacob's grandfather was a brave man, so Jacob uses his memory of Grandpa's courage to motivate himself to push through difficult situations.

Quote #6

"A young man, not much older than this boy here. […] Walked into town the morning after with not a scratch upon him. […] He only spoke once, to ask my father when the next boat was leaving for the mainland. Said he wanted to take up arms directly and kill the damned monsters who murdered his people." (4.117)

Here's an illustration of just how brave Grandpa was: Even though he's basically alone in the world, he's willing to not only keep fighting monsters, but to head off to another land to do it.