Betrayal Quotes in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

My grandmother had bought my dad this ridiculous pink bunny costume, and he put it on and sat by the driveway waiting for Grandpa Portman to come home from five o'clock until nightfall, but he never did. (4.29)

Lots of Dad's resentment for Grandpa comes from this time when Grandpa didn't come home for Halloween. Their relationship never quite recovered from this betrayal of trust between father and son.

Quote #8

If Grandpa Portman wasn't honorable and good, I wasn't sure anyone could be. (4.52)

Finding out that Grandpa might be an adulterer doesn't just sting, it kind of shakes Jacob to his very core. Jacob wants to be Grandpa, but he doesn't want to be him if he's not as good of a person as he's thought.

Quote #9

I sat down with the box in my lap and untied the string. (8.153)

Jacob doesn't seem to have any guilt or hesitation about betraying Emma's trust and looking into her private things. Why is that? Does he feel entitled to any information about his grandfather, or does he not quite see her as a real person with real feelings?