Admiration Quotes in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I was duly impressed, and told him so. "I'm glad someone appreciates my work," [Millard] replied. (7.88)

The other kids don't appreciate Millard's cataloging of the day-to-day events of Cairnholm because they live them everyday. Since Jacob is an outsider, though, he thinks it's pretty cool stuff.

Quote #8

"I know he would've been proud of you," [Emma] said. (10.338)

This is nice of Emma to say. She knows that Jacob would have done anything for his grandfather's admiration while Grandpa was still alive, so she gives him a little taste of it.

Quote #9

I told [Emma] I was [staying]. Tired as they were, the children whistled and clapped. Some embraced me. Even Enoch shook my hand. (11.64)

By the end of the book, after Jacob has rescued Miss Peregrine, he gets the kind of admiration from the other kids that his grandfather should have received in life.