Love Quotes in The Lovely Bones

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"No, I mean I love you, and I want to marry you, and I want to live in this house!" (17.75)

Another intensely romantic moment, conceived expressly for brightening Susie's day up in heaven. Seeing that her sister is having a happy life helps her let go of Earth.

Quote #8

He had been keeping, daily, weekly, yearly, an underground storage room of hate. Deep inside this, the four-year-old sat, his heart flashing. Heart to stone, heart to stone. (19.65)

It's the moment of Buckley's mother's return – a moment where love and hate blend for intense emotional impact on the part of the readers and, of course, for Buckley himself.

Quote #9

How could it be that you love someone so much and keep it a secret from yourself as you woke daily so far from home? (20.30)

Abigail realizes she's been blocking off her love for Jack. It takes the literal breaking, or at least attacking of his heart to reveal her true feelings.