Love Quotes in The Lovely Bones

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He nodded and kissed my father's cheek. Something so divine that no one up in heaven could have made it up; the care a child took with an adult. (3.70)

This tender moment occurs just days after Susie's death. Throughout the novel, father and son are there for each other, though they have a few rough patches.

Quote #5

They had gone the week before to get haircuts at the same barber shop […] and though Lindsey's hair was lighter and finer than Samuel's, the barber had given them identical short, spiky cuts. (17.8)

Isn't that the cutest thing! Samuel and Lindsey's are almost too romantic to be believed. They make it look easy, but they've worked hard for what they have.

Quote #6

He had been falling in love all over again. (17.67)

We doubt Jack ever fell out of love with Abigail. But looking at the pictures of his wife, candid photos Susie took of her, really makes an impact. In these photos, Jack sees through to the deeper Abigail, and this new understanding spawns this renewed love.