Time Quotes in The Lovely Bones

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I can still see the hole like it was yesterday, and it was. Life is a perpetual yesterday for us. (1.39)

At the end, we learn that Susie is telling her story from wide wide Heaven. So, it seems the hole is forever stamped in her memory. Now that she knows eternal time, the hole is both eternally far and eternally near her in time.

Quote #2

That was when we went to a part of heaven we didn't share. I missed her then, but it was an odd sort of missing because we knew the meaning of forever. (2.38)

She's talking about Holly, who remains a minor character. We like the quote because it challenges us to reflect on the nature of time, whether we agree with Susie's rather broadly painted conception of it.

Quote #3

I could not have what I wanted most. Mr. Harvey dead and me living. Heaven wasn't perfect. (2.39)

Susie does get both wishes, the first one for all eternity; the second for that time in the arms of Ray.