The Lovely Bones Chapter 5 Quotes

The Lovely Bones Chapter 5 Quotes

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Quote 4

[…] it was Lindsey who had to deal with what Holly called the Walking Dead Syndrome – when other people see the dead person and don't see you. (5.6)

Being Susie's sister becomes a much bigger part of Lindsey's identity after Susie dies. But only in the eyes of others. She remains her own person, dedicated to helping her family deal with the tragedy.

"Each year it's something I do for Leah. […] My wife. I'm a widower." (5.54)

One big reason Len Fenerman buys the widower lie is because he himself is a widower. It's doubtful Harvey knows this; he's just being his creepy self.

"I'm certain there's a man in my neighborhood who knows something." (5.29)

And so Jack's frustrating and fruitless attempt to bring his daughter's killer to justice begins. He's trying to restore order to the situation. But Len Fenerman's desire to preserve order by being carefully not to accuse people without evidence wins out.