The Lovely Bones Chapter 5 Quotes

The Lovely Bones Chapter 5 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:
Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

A little strange, Fenerman thought, but it doesn't make the man a murderer. (5.51)

Len Fenerman is trying to be a good cop. He can't stand the idea of making a mistake, of inconveniencing an honest citizen. He's too careful.

"Each year it's something I do for Leah. […] My wife. I'm a widower." (5.54)

Len felt that he was intruding on this man's private rituals. (5.55)

And here's where Harvey gets him. Since Len actually is a widower, Harvey inadvertently presses his sympathy buttons. Len will believe anything now, even a wedding tent.