The Lovely Bones Chapter 5 Quotes

The Lovely Bones Chapter 5 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:
Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

A little strange, Fenerman thought, but it doesn't make the man a murderer. (5.51)

We wonder what it would have taken for Len to think someone was a suspect. If that someone was a seemingly respectable suburbanite, probably a heck of a lot. This also shows us that Len isn't one of those cops who uses 'gut feelings' to solve crimes.

Jack Salmon

Quote 2

"Susie is dead," he said now, unable to make it fit in the rules of any game. (5.137)

Susie even cries in heaven when Jack is trying to explain Monopoly and Susie's death in one fell swoop. We wouldn't blame you if you cried too.

Quote 3

The guilt on him, the hand of God pressing down on him, saying, You were not there when your daughter needed you. (5.3)

Family tragedies are known for producing spiraling guilt. Guilt is what you do when you can't do anything else.