The Lovely Bones Chapter 8 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Susie can see Mr. Harvey's dreams. She watches him "dream […] of buildings for about ninety days" (8.1).
  • His favorite building dream is of the Church of the Transfiguration, in the Vologda region of Russia.
  • He dreamed it that night, after he killed Susie, and keeps dreaming it until the other dreams – dreams of women and kids – come back to him.
  • These dreams are the "not still dreams" (8.2).
  • Susie can see Mr. Harvey's memories of being a kid with his mother, and his father.
  • Young Harvey tells people his dad is "a builder." He couldn't tell them the truth – that his father "worked in the desert, and […] built shacks out of broken glass and old wood" (8.3).
  • His father taught him about building.
  • When Harvey dreams the not still dreams he looks at his dad's old sketchbooks, trying to be satisfied with the work he does (building dollhouses).
  • But then he'll start dreaming of his mother, of the day his father abandoned her on the road in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, the last day Mr. Harvey saw her.