I Know This Much is True Chapter 45 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Domenico drags Ignazia back home, where they sleep in separate bedrooms, but she's expected to "visit" (45.2) him on weekends.
  • He gets busier and busier, helping local politicians try to get the Italian vote; while he's busy, Ignazia mostly mopes around the house.
  • One day, he finds a little pebble in his polenta, and he wonders if she put it there on purpose.
  • That night, he leaves work early, and finds his wife in bed with someone else: Prosperine. "The two of them, clinging to each other like monkeys" (45.31).
  • Prosperine runs, but Domenico borrows a police dog (seriously) and tracks her to a nearby fishing shack.
  • He convinces the mayor to arrest Prosperine and have her committed at the local asylum.
  • The next year, Ignazia and Concettina disappear. Domenico can't find them anywhere.
  • They turn up at the frozen lake: Ignazia drowned both herself and her daughter.
  • No, wait… They find Concettina hiding in the shack. She is alive, having managed to escape and survive.
  • Domenico concludes his story by talking about how his homely hare-lipped daughter is "not a bad girl" (45.95) who cooks and cleans and is quiet.
  • He has the audacity to conclude his memoir by writing "Penance. Humility. May God Almight save my soul!" (45.99).