I Know This Much is True Chapter 13 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Dominick thinks about the Wequonnoc Indian cemetery and the Falls nearby.
  • He remembers Ralph Drinkwater also had a twin, Penny Ann, who died at the falls; someone killed her, raped her, and dumped her over.
  • Dominick feels guilty because he lied about her before she disappeared, saying she ate his Oreos (not a euphemism).
  • After the death of his twin sister, Ralph Drinkwater basically disappeared until high school.
  • Dominick remembers the time Ralph told off a teacher who was praising Manifest Destiny and how the Indians disappeared "because of progress" (13.41).
  • Then he dropped out of school. The teacher didn't care, saying, "I guess the Indians have disappeared after all" (13.54). Holy racism, Batman.