Warfare Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"The invaders are always the bad guys. Always." (34.9)

Well, unless they're the ones writing the history books, Karou. Then the invaders are the good guys... at least until some courageous voice blows that oppressive story apart.

Quote #5

"War is all. If they're not fighting it, they're providing for it, and living in far, always. There is no one without loss." (34.22)

This must be what it's like to live in a part of the world that is constantly experiencing conflict and violence. Wow. We're speechless. (And you know how hard it is to shut us up.)

Quote #6

To [Hazael and Liraz], Karou was just another tattoo waiting to happen. (35.12)

The tattoos on the seraphim's hands are just tally marks—they turn the deaths of the enemy into statistics. Kind of like how many boys are just another Taylor Swift song waiting to happen.