The Supernatural Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Karou] went out onto the balcony instead, climbed up onto the balustrade, glanced back over her shoulder at Akiva, and stepped right off. (31.20)

Karou has gotten so used to her supernatural existence, she steps off a balcony like she does it every day... even though she's only been flying for about twelve hours. This act shows that she has a lot of faith in wish magic. Boy, if it didn't work, that would be a crazy way to end the book, huh?

Quote #8

"We didn't break any laws. [...] It's not like there's a law against flying." "Yes there is. The law of gravity." (33.56)

Here's another bit of evidence that Karou has embraced her supernatural lifestyle. We flew, so what? She doesn't even consider that us terrestrial human folk might think that this is a little weird. If she flew around over L.A., she'd have her own reality TV show by now. Criss Angel, eat your heart out.

Quote #9

Brimstone was a resurrectionist. He didn't breath life back into the torn bodies of the battle-slain; he made bodies. (49.8)

We knew Brimstone was a supernatural being before this point—he has crocodile eyes and ram horns, after all. But now we finally found out what he's been up to all this time. The chimaera aren't inherently supernatural, when you think about it. They're just a different race of half-animal people. But this resurrection thing makes them supernatural.