Love Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Each time [Karou] touched [Akiva] it was like a leaping spark and a call, a call to entwine her fingers in his, and even—god, what was wrong with her?—to lift his hands to her lips and kiss the marks there... (32.64)

This quote shows just how desperate Karou is to feel close to someone. Love can be romantic and physical at the same time. Physical closeness = emotional closeness here.

Quote #5

"Ask him if he's in love with you," said Zuzana at once. (33.15)

Zuzana is only kind of joking when she says this. She can feel the attraction between Akiva and Karou. It's almost tangible. When you see two people together, can't you tell if they are truly in love?

Quote #6

"I'll help you. Even if you couldn't fly, I could carry you." (34.17)

More than many of the other quotes here, this one shows the lengths Akiva is willing to go to in order to show his love for Karou. He would carry her across multiple countries so that she can achieve her goals. Yep, that's love, people.