Appearances Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Akiva's] fiery wings were glamoured invisible, and he should have been able to pass as human, but he wasn't quite pulling it off. (9.7)

Akiva has to use magic when in the human world, so that he can appear human. Why doesn't he quite pull this ruse off—what is it about him that makes people realize he's not-quite-right?

Quote #5

His face—oh, beauty, he was perfect, he was mythic—was absolutely cold. (14.15)

Akiva's striking appearance makes it hard for Karou to realize that he is trying to kill her. It's not really that worth it to die at the hands of a hot guy, girls. It's not like you'd get to tell your friends about it afterwards.

Quote #6

Abominably, [Bain] was shirtless, showing an abundance of loose white gut, and his extraordinary beard bushed around his shoulders in clumps. (21.28)

How dare this man be shirtless in his own home, with a body that doesn't meet Karou's demanding standards for physical beauty? The audacity. We can't believe Karou didn't kill him just for that.