Versions of Reality Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Feels like I've been traveling in the box for years.

I don't know how many Chicagos we've connected to so far.

They're all beginning to blend. (11.200-202)

At a certain point, Jason starts to go a little cray. We can't blame him: we know our minds would have exploded the first time we stepped out of the box and into a parallel universe. Our brains aren't equipped for such an expansive view of reality. That's an interesting point: it means that the ultimate reality is simply beyond our comprehension. We can understand aspects of it—like, we know what a hallway full of doors is like—but when it comes down to it, we have to remember that there's a certain limit to what we can absolutely know about the universe—and about ourselves.