The Home Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I turn the deadbolt.

The door swings inward.

Something is wrong.

Very, very wrong. (3.5-8)

Jason is already freaked out when he wakes up in a massive science lab, but things get amped up to eleven when he returns home and finds it unrecognizable. Now that's spooky.

Quote #2

My home should be my haven, a place of safety and comfort, where I'm surrounded by family. But it's not even mine. (3.42)

In many ways, Jason's home is defined by the hustle and bustle of his family life. That's what makes his parallel universe house so disconcerting: it feels cold and sterile in a way that his actual home never did. It feels lonely.

Quote #3

The ring is gone, but the proof of its existence lingers as a faint indentation around the base of my finger. It was there. (3.273)

The weirdest part about the whole situation is that Jason doesn't have anything to remind himself of home except his memories. Luckily, he's able to stay grounded by focusing on the most important aspect of that seemingly lost life: Daniela.