Versions of Reality Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"All I wrote was, 'I want to go home.'"

"Exactly. That's what you wrote, but you carried baggage through the door." (10.579)

This is a big revelation. Not only can Jason and Amanda define the reality they enter by means of their thoughts, but that reality is also further shaped by their emotional state. Think of the infinite possibilities that set-up creates.

Quote #8

If there are infinite worlds, how do I find the one that is uniquely, specifically mine? (10.608)

That's the million-dollar question. As it turns out, Jason finds his own universe by focusing on the one thing that defines his place in his universe more than anything else: his love for Daniela. That's a big deal: it means that love is the realest thing in the multiverse.

Quote #9

[The theory of uncanny valley] holds that when something looks almost like a human being [...] it creates revulsion in the observer. (11.2-3)

Jason is a whole lot more disconcerted when he visits universes that are similar to his own than he is when they're wildly different. It makes sense when you think about it. If the Chicago he visits is a frozen wasteland or futuristic cityscape, then it's pretty easy for him to distinguish that Chicago from the one in his own reality. But when it isn't? That's a lot more mind-bending.