Versions of Reality Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

This is not my world.

Even as those five words cross my mind, I'm not exactly certain what they mean, or how to begin to consider their full weight. (5.596)

Which do you think would be harder to grasp: that you're hallucinating a completely different reality from your own, or that you're literally in a parallel universe? Both options are pretty trippy. This realization threatens to completely upend Jason's view of what's real and what's not.

Quote #5

I should be opening more doors, but the truth is I'm terrified. I've lost faith we'll find a world that's safe. (8.361)

The first few "realities" Jason visits are terrifying. There's Apocalyptic Chicago. There's Ice-Age Chicago. There's Plague-Ridden Chicago. And although Jason knows that these universes aren't his home, they still affect him profoundly—and technically, each of these universes is every bit as real as his home universe.

Quote #6

In the distance, that fantastical skyline inches closer. The buildings don't even make sense. (10.45)

Futuristic Chicago is one of the few parallel universes that isn't completely terrifying. We're going to count that as a win. What's more, it shows just how different these infinite worlds can be.