Power Quotes in Blood Red Road

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

There's partly et food spread out all over the table in a big mess—flatbread an platters of roast meat an boiled pigeon eggs an jugs of grog. (5.51)

This is quite the image of decadence, especially when you contrast it with the meager homestead where Saba and Emmi grew up. Hopetown is a place where the powerful have a lot and the weak have nothing, except for some chaal cravings and a hankering for cage combat.

Quote #5

The Tonton round people up, take 'em to Freedom Fields as slaves an force 'em to work in the fields.

And they control 'em with chaal, I says. (6.128-129)

As it happens, chaal is the most important part of this world's power structure. In fact, the King only has his status because he controls the chaal trade. It's that simple. He uses the drug to control the masses, bending them to his will and keeping them always coming back for more.

Quote #6

I don't believe it. It's the man from Rooster Pinch's book. He stand in the doorway with his walkin stick. Just like the picture in the book. (6.327)

Here, Saba is referring to the image of King Louis XIV she saw in Rooster Pinch's book, which Vicar Pinch has immaculately recreated for his own regal garb. It's pretty much just cosplay. Still, it's a powerfully symbolic way of connecting him to a powerful king from ancient times; it's all about the propaganda.