Family Quotes in A Million Little Pieces

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Although it is expensive to come here, many of our Patients are here on scholarships that we fun through subsidies that we support. (1.2.42)

Although this quote isn't explicitly about family, it subtly lets us know that James's parents are loaded enough to put him up in this facility. He ain't on no scholarship.

Quote #2

I was never willing to go [to Rehab.] I told my Parents if they tried to put me in I'd leave and they'd never see me again. They believed me. (1.4.239)

This is one of many ways James has manipulated his parents. This was before rehab, but we'll see him continue doing it even from inside.

Quote #3

I stare at the floor and I wonder. How did they tolerate me. (1.5.246)

We're not sure how James's parents tolerate him, either. Before hanging up the phone, they say "we love you" (1.5.245), but he just hangs up. Nice, man. Real nice.