A Million Little Pieces Allusions and Cultural References

When authors give shout outs to other great works, people, and events, it's usually not accidental. Put on your super-sleuth hat and figure out why.

Literary and Philosophical References

  • The Tao Te Ching (referenced throughout, starting in Chapter 2, Part 1)
  • Lev Tolstoy, War and Peace (2.1.661)
  • Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote (2.1.661)

Historical References

  • The Mona Lisa (1.7.3)

Pop Culture References

  • Babar the Elephant (1.5.68) and referenced throughout Part 1, Chapter 7
  • Gene Hackman (1.5.129) (1.5.133)
  • Space Invaders (1.8.316)
  • Luke Skywalker and someone known as Princess Leah [sic] (2.2.221)
  • The Flintstones (2.3.276)
  • Superwoman (2.4.428)
  • Star Wars (3.1.73)
  • Rocky (4.1.299)