Criminality Quotes in A Million Little Pieces

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Possession, Possession with Intent to Distribute, three DUIs, a bunch of Vandalism and Destruction of Property charges, Assault, Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Assaulting an Officer of the Law, Public Drunkenness, Disturbing the Peace. I'm sure there's some other s***, but I don't remember exactly what. (1.4.215)

James rattles off his list of charges here really easily. Do you think a guy who had actually committed all these crimes would have such a neat inventory of all the charges?

Quote #2

I am reminded of what I am. I am an Alcoholic and I am a drug Addict and I am a Criminal. (1.7.209)

We feel like we should mention that if James weren't an alcoholic and a drug addict, then he probably wouldn't be a criminal. The alcohol and drugs came first. 

Quote #3

Three more arrests at seventeen. Got first DUI. Blew a .36 and set a County Record. Went to Jail for a week. (1.8.203)

The way James talks about his high blood alcohol content being a "county record" almost makes it sound like he's proud of this, even six years later.