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All American Literature Videos 200 videos
Modernism was the happy, optimistic bandwagon that every writer just had to jump on. Okay, so only half of that statement is true. But we want you...
You might be hearing a chorus of farewells if you recommend A Farewell to Arms as the next read for your Fabulously Feisty Feminist Book Club.
This video summarizes the play A Raisin in the Sun. It discusses the Youngers, members of an African-American family trying to better themselves wh...
The Lottery 33396 Views
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Three words: The Hunger Games . Wait, one more word: "scapegoat." Wait—oh, just watch the video already.
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The Lottery, a la Shmoop. Who doesn’t want to be famous these days?
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But… have we been turning Fame into some kind of twisted spectator sport.
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In Shirley Jackson’s short story,,“The Lottery” a couple of Old Men put everyone’s
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name in a box…
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…and then draw the name of one unlucky person…
Full Transcript
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…who becomes famous for a second…
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…before the townsfolk stone her.
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Has this come true for us in the digital age? Let’s noodle…
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Well, we do have our own version of Old Men to pull some unlucky person’s name from
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a box.
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Care for an example of one of the lucky ones? How about everybody’s favorite: Snooki!
- 01:04
Instead of drawing a name and throwing a stone at the unlucky victim…
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…we have a very similar moment of fleeting fame for the Reality TV star…
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…until the Late Night TV shows pounce. Then it’s all downhill.
- 01:27
Are we acting just like the Townsfolk in “The Lottery” when we help spread the latest
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celebrity gossip? Do our posts in the digital world cause as
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much pain and anguish as the Townsfolk’s stones?
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Are we sentencing these people to failure before they even have a chance?
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Do people just go along with whatever is trendy?
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Judging from the way we recycle celebrities, it seems that way.
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Doesn’t poor Snooki have feelings, too?
- 02:00
Many people want to be famous…
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…but at what cost?
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Shmoop Amongst Yourselves.
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YouTube blurb:
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Who doesn’t want to be famous? Plucked out of obscurity in front of an adoring crowd…who
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will then throw stones, or Tweets, at you, until you’re nothing but a pile of slobbering
- 02:12
oatmeal? Is this what we’ve come to? An internet driven version of “The Lottery”?
- 02:16
Hide those bows and arrows. Just in case.
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