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All American Literature Videos 200 videos
Modernism was the happy, optimistic bandwagon that every writer just had to jump on. Okay, so only half of that statement is true. But we want you...
You might be hearing a chorus of farewells if you recommend A Farewell to Arms as the next read for your Fabulously Feisty Feminist Book Club.
This video summarizes the play A Raisin in the Sun. It discusses the Youngers, members of an African-American family trying to better themselves wh...
Slaughterhouse Five 20394 Views
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We wish the Tralfamadorians were as fun as they sound. But unfortunately, they're your garden variety kidnap-humans-and-torture-them type of alien.
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Slaughterhouse-Five, a la Shmoop. Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five is a
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realistic depiction of what happens during and after war.
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It has violence, trauma, alcoholism, and… alien abductions.
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Wait, alien abductions? We don’t usually hear about those on Veteran’s Day.
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But Billy Pilgrim is snatched away by the Tralfamdorians <<no official pronunciation
Full Transcript
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– just sound out>> to live and mate in their interstellar zoo. You won’t find that in
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any history textbook.
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What is going on with Billy's trips to Tralfamadore? Take a look at when this book is set.
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It’s the 1960s. Everything is trippy and psychedelic, and chances are if you weren’t
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listening to Yellow Submarine, you were thinking you lived in one.
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It’s a tie-dye state of mind, you dig? Billy’s groovy visions are just a result
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of the times. He doesn’t exactly have a firm grasp on reality.
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However, despite Billy’s tenuous grasp on the real world, these spacey trips are very
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real to Billy…
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… and the Tralfamadorians teach him some valuable lessons…
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Like how time is totally predetermined and unchangeable and there is no free will.
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Yikes. That would have us crying ourselves to sleep in our cage… if being in a cage
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didn’t have us crying already.
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Maybe by valuable lesson we mean: bleak and depressing lesson.
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Either way, who cares if it’s all in his head? As long as it’s him and not us.
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Real or not, maybe it's all just one big metaphor.
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The Tralfamadorians are a lot like the Germans during World War two, except without the funny
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little Charlie Chaplin mustache that Hitler ruined for everyone.
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These aliens strip Billy of his choices… and his clothes…
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…Take him captive, and make him subject to their rules and their reality.
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He’s trapped like an animal in a zoo. They make him relive his World War two experience,
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and there's nothing he can do to stop it. It’s the sci-fi version of post-traumatic
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stress disorder.
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If Billy was an actual monkey, instead of a human experiment, PETA would not be happy
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about this. Back to reality, everyone. Buckle your seatbelts.
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What do you think about Billy's trips to Tralfamadore?
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Are they trippy hallucinations?
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Are they part of Billy’s weird, sci-fi fantasy?
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Or are they just a far-out metaphor? Shmoop amongst yourselves
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