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Modernism was the happy, optimistic bandwagon that every writer just had to jump on. Okay, so only half of that statement is true. But we want you...
You might be hearing a chorus of farewells if you recommend A Farewell to Arms as the next read for your Fabulously Feisty Feminist Book Club.
This video summarizes the play A Raisin in the Sun. It discusses the Youngers, members of an African-American family trying to better themselves wh...
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Summary 62002 Views
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In order to understand Arnold's diary, you'll have to speak his language—cartoons. Huh, now that we say it out loud it doesn't sound too difficult, after all. We've been training every Sunday morning for this.
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak the absolutely true diary of a
- 00:07
part time indian Allah Have you ever reached a point
- 00:11
in your life when you're experiencing a life changing identity
- 00:14
crisis black with white stripes or the other way around
- 00:18
the kind where you don't know who you are or
Full Transcript
- 00:20
where you belong Nobody ever lets me forget my double
- 00:24
citizenship through my arnold the only indian kid in an
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all white school or junior trader who turned his back
- 00:34
on his tribe composer Good thing i like to draw
- 00:38
it's the only thing that keeps me sane Well pin
- 00:44
it reservation isn't exactly a vacation destination Everybody's super poor
- 00:49
and there isn't a lot to do here except drink
- 00:52
and ponder your wasted dreams Oh and beat on the
- 00:55
wimp with giant glasses and epilepsy that seems to be
- 01:00
a pretty popular hobby around here My best friend is
- 01:03
rowdy and well e kind of lives up to his
- 01:07
name I have to put up with a lot around
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here but strangely it was geometry that sent me over
- 01:13
the edge Normally i dig right angles and serums but
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that was before i saw my mom's name in my
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textbook So unless she lied about her age my class
- 01:24
was using the same death steeled textbooks from thirty years
- 01:28
ago I expressed my frustrations to the teacher and a
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clear and concise manner I thought i was going to
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get shipped off to boot camp for sure But mr
- 01:38
p was actually pretty understanding He told me that i
- 01:41
had to get off the reservation somehow and the best
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escape plan i could think of was to transfer to
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a new school I knew i was going to have
- 01:50
a tough time fitting in it reardon because it wasn't
- 01:53
exactly known for its diversity Hey guys how's it going
- 01:58
And then to top it all off my own tribe
- 02:01
jumped me Rowdy definitely didn't take the news Well it
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probably didn't help matters that reading was full of rich
- 02:11
white kids who kicked our butts at football basketball baseball
- 02:15
chest unicycling competitive toenail clipping you name it after a
- 02:21
while i got used to my new life as a
- 02:23
double agent commute was a little tricky but i made
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a new friend named gordy who is even weirder than
- 02:30
i wass good leaking another name penelope imagine an amazingly
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pretty girl who somehow willing to date me I even
- 02:40
joined the reader in basketball team Unfortunately that men had
- 02:44
to compete against rowdy welcome me back with a mild
- 02:47
concussion Thanks old buddy Hey it's kept coming at home
- 02:51
too drunk driving was pretty much a way of life
- 02:55
on wealth in it but it took on a new
- 02:57
meaning when it killed my grandmother that i lost eugene
- 03:01
my dad's best friend to a pointless fight over a
- 03:03
bottle of booze At least you didn't manage to be
- 03:07
rowdy and the wealth and a team on the court
- 03:10
it should have been a major victory but i learned
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that there isn't much glory defeating your own tribe especially
- 03:17
when the deck is already stacked against them Going for
- 03:22
a while it looked like my sister marry who's going
- 03:25
to defeat the chris when she moved to montana with
- 03:28
heart Follow her there too But maybe there's hope for
- 03:33
the future I'm going back to reardon next year Rowdy
- 03:37
is actually talking to me again with his words Not
- 03:40
this Maybe i could make full time job out of
- 03:44
this part time And my black with white stripes or 00:03:50.78 --> [endTime] the other way around
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