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History/Social Studies Passage Videos 43 videos
How was the Beanie Baby era parallel to the Tulip Bubble? Similar events, only the TulipMania almost bankrupted Holland. Bean Babies only bankrupte...
We need to find solutions for modern problems. The founding fathers of the country had no idea we'd have fake news. We have to adjust to modern lif...
Obama's stance on the nation: We need to reform our economic opportunities. More resources need to be allocated to those at the bottom of the socia...
Using Word Connotations to Draw Conclusions 1 Views
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Who is the mystery solitary invetor that was overshadowed in this SAT Reading passage? Sounds ominous enough.
- 00:02
okay just two more in Ike here we go refers to the solitary infant or being
- 00:07
overshadowed definitely a trivia primarily to what I do what all right so [text on screen]
- 00:12
let's go back to 78 here and just see what their yammering about okay let me
- 00:16
to date a solitary inventory tapering in his job is been overshadowed by task
- 00:18
force the scientists in laboratories in testing field okay so the big answer
Full Transcript
- 00:22
it's C Eisenhower's a fan of the underdog not the over cat his reference [president in the white house]
- 00:27
to the solitary inventor being overshadowed by giant government funded
- 00:32
task forces sounds that way at least you know he's rootin for the crazy one in a
- 00:37
million lottery ticket shot right instead of a billion dollar investment [hand scratches lottery ticket]
- 00:41
to make the new yeah well he was probably a fan of wacky inventors like
- 00:44
Ben Franklin and Nikola Tesla and a few others we could name hello Elon Musk [famous people]
- 00:49
yeah you'll be in that group someday too he has tons of respect for the underdog
- 00:52
which is why he's a little sad that his underdog didn't win big science did ya
- 00:58
sorry there pal 10,000 brainiacs and a billion dollars wins against whoever the
- 01:02
most clever farmer is these days sorry just keeping it real eisenhower [farming equipment]
- 01:06
doesn't feel like big science is necessarily an improvement yeah have a
- 01:10
little farmer make the bomb which the reader can infer from the negative [barn explodes]
- 01:15
connotation of overshadowed there oh poor farmer he also doesn't go so far as
- 01:19
to say that it's totally a bad thing he likely feels it's similar to the
- 01:24
military issue it's ugly but necessary you know sort of like those late-night [a-bomb]
- 01:28
talk show host
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