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History/Social Studies Passage Videos 43 videos
How was the Beanie Baby era parallel to the Tulip Bubble? Similar events, only the TulipMania almost bankrupted Holland. Bean Babies only bankrupte...
We need to find solutions for modern problems. The founding fathers of the country had no idea we'd have fake news. We have to adjust to modern lif...
Obama's stance on the nation: We need to reform our economic opportunities. More resources need to be allocated to those at the bottom of the socia...
SAT Reading: Citing Evidence to Support a Definition 2 Views
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What does "nebulous" mean in this SAT Reading video? Watch to find out!
- 00:03
all right next up in Psych hollows Villa she loved saying Zimbardo what a great
- 00:08
name and if let's you'd be like the name of the city all right which gives the
- 00:10
strongest forty injured to the previous question right all right so it was all [text on screen]
- 00:14
about nebulous nebulas being unclear so hmm all right so which is the strongest
- 00:20
evidence that it's unclear so now we got to go back to the lines all right so
Full Transcript
- 00:23
we're going to line 38 to start with yeah social science all right so we knew
- 00:28
that one and then it's an hour in line forty three and this one says these
- 00:33
kinds of effects are seen all the time is with the famous muller-lyer optical
- 00:37
illusion that causes visual confusion in most people all right there's the visual
- 00:41
confusion yeah and this one's longer that one's longer no they're even ok
- 00:45
lines 45 through 47 subjects in the Asch test may have been
- 00:49
making a judgment about the fal ability of their own senses yeah self-awareness
- 00:53
who'da thunk all right let's go to 47 through 49 what's the difference between
- 00:57
a willingness to doubt one's senses and a propensity for conformity ooh that
- 01:03
sounds really powerful is that it the best example of the term nebulous occurs
- 01:07
right there right after the term is used when the author presents two possible [text on chalkboard]
- 01:12
interpretations of the results two possibilities for the same data show
- 01:16
that the results lack clarity it's like you want a soft drink it's either Coke
- 01:20
or Pepsi and if you get really crazy you'd go with RC Cola over they are way [person shopping in supermarket]
- 01:24
in the back of Safeway good luck finding it anyway the other line cited all
- 01:28
expand on the basic idea but none of them come quite as close as juxtaposing
- 01:32
to equally possible explanations so get rid of all the others right answer is D [person fondling avocado]
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