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History/Social Studies Passage Videos 43 videos
How was the Beanie Baby era parallel to the Tulip Bubble? Similar events, only the TulipMania almost bankrupted Holland. Bean Babies only bankrupte...
We need to find solutions for modern problems. The founding fathers of the country had no idea we'd have fake news. We have to adjust to modern lif...
Obama's stance on the nation: We need to reform our economic opportunities. More resources need to be allocated to those at the bottom of the socia...
SAT Reading: Using the Context of President Obama's Speech to Define "Steeled" 7 Views
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We Americans endure crises and return stronger than ever. It didn't kill us so it made us stronger. Kelly Clarkson for President!
- 00:02
alright people were still on the Obama inauguration speech 2013 and let's just
- 00:08
pop on to the next question all right so it's asking as it is using [text on screen]
- 00:11
the passage steeled 161 right there most closely means what okay well let's see
- 00:16
where is it all right this generation of Americans has been tested by crises that
- 00:18
steeled our resolve and proved our resilience aren't sealed it to suffer
Full Transcript
- 00:22
well let's see what's the right answer here yeah reinforced and that sounds
- 00:26
pretty good there the whole speech is about the strength of the good ol US of [Uncle Sam weightlifting]
- 00:30
A after enduring crises we came back stronger than ever
- 00:34
steeled in our ideals in fact this piece of figurative language is pretty [Uncle Sam pulling truck]
- 00:39
straightforward think of it this way when you add steel to something well you [text on screen]
- 00:42
make it stronger another word for having made something stronger is to yeah [man bicep curling a log]
- 00:47
having reinforced it that's how it works well Obama spends a lot of time
- 00:51
connecting our strengths today with the strength of those who came before us our
- 00:55
newest crises didn't create American strength so we can't say that our
- 00:59
resolve has recently been built so we get rid of a that's not like brand new [text on screen]
- 01:03
likewise forging C something also a means forming it for the first time the
- 01:09
struggles we've faced definitely didn't take away our steel or any of our [blacksmith doing his thing]
- 01:14
resolve so that's the answer it's D reinforced and just go enforce and then
- 01:20
do it again or week
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