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British Literature Videos 176 videos
Meet Charles Darnay, the nobleman who spends more time on trial and in prison than attending balls and drinking expensive wine. Don't feel too bad...
Written in Anglo-Saxon, or Old English, sometime between the 8th and 11th centuries, Beowulf is an epic poem that reflects the early medieval warri...
Brave New World is supposed be an exciting book about a negative utopia and the corrupt powers of authority. So where’s the big car chase? What's...
Lord Byron 377 Views
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The first real celebrity was a poet? Guess our standards have changed.
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Lord Byron a la Shmoop. Celebrities today are often famous for something
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besides their actual job.
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Sure, they might occasionally star in a blockbuster movie…
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…but people are talking about them because they’re feuding with other celebrities or…
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unwittingly starring in a racy online video.
Full Transcript
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But celebrities existed before E! News and paparazzi, they just didn’t have a word
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for it.
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Is it possible that Lord Byron was the world’s first celebrity?
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Like George Clooney, Byron was famous for his devastating good looks and his scandalous
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personal life.
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And just as Clooney occasionally does a movie or two, Byron may have written one or two
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famous works.
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In a pre-Hollywood world, poetry was hot. But Byron’s looks and behavior were even
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Lord Byron was crazy enough to have been on the cover of a tabloid, if they existed back
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He claimed to live on a diet of vinegar and potatoes. Could that have been the first celebrity
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diet craze?
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And just like people throw their underpants at the Rolling Stones, women sent Byron fan
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mail. Sometimes very personal items.
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How much would it have cost to ship a girdle back then?
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He wasn’t just defined by his poetry and his adoring fans.
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Just as Sean Penn is always on his soap box about something, Byron, too, had his pet causes.
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He fought for Greek independence.
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Not only did his poetry help raise awareness for the cause, he trucked it over there to
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raise funds and procure supplies.
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What sets Byron apart from many modern celebs is that he actually died for this cause. He
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came down with a fever and died in Greece.
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Do you think Sarah McLachlan would take a bullet to save a stray dog? Yeah, we don’t
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think so either.
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Perhaps cementing his celebrity status, Byron lived fast and died young.
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He was like James Dean, the rebel without a cause… not James Deen, the X-rated film
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Although with Byron, who knows? He might have been a little of both if video cameras were
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around back then…
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