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British Literature Videos 176 videos
Meet Charles Darnay, the nobleman who spends more time on trial and in prison than attending balls and drinking expensive wine. Don't feel too bad...
Written in Anglo-Saxon, or Old English, sometime between the 8th and 11th centuries, Beowulf is an epic poem that reflects the early medieval warri...
Brave New World is supposed be an exciting book about a negative utopia and the corrupt powers of authority. So where’s the big car chase? What's...
Heart of Darkness 9135 Views
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Everyone has that happy-go-lucky friend. The one who skips through life with a smile and believes everybody has a beautiful soul. We're guessing that person has never read Heart of Darkness .
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Heart of Darkness, a la Shmoop. Heart of Darkness is so chock full of gore
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and allegory, it’s hard to tell the two apart.
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With all the body parts in the jungle…
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…you’d think there’d be an actual heart somewhere. A heart… of darkness.
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But there isn’t. So what exactly is the heart of darkness?
Full Transcript
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Say you're an imperialist – someone whose country gobbles up smaller countries like
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Pac-Man eats power pellets.
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To you, the heart of darkness is the evil that lies in the depths of the jungle of Africa…
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Somewhere in the vicinity of all the crocodiles and malaria-ridden mosquitos.
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The darkness isn’t just the carnivorous beasties, bugs the size of your head, tropical
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diseases, boiling heat, unclean water, lack of modern conveniences, lack of electricity
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and plumbing…
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We could go on and on, but we’re feeling a little sick ourselves.
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What really freaks the imperialists out besides this untamed and hostile wilderness are the
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so-called savages…
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…who have never seen the warm, electric lights of civilization. Or pants, for that
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matter. Now if you're one of the colonized instead,
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you might have a considerably different view on the subject…
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Namely that the heart of darkness represents the evils of imperialism…which creates darkness
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in its brutal treatment of native populations.
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These so-called civilized white folk chain together slaves, force them to do all the
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hard labor, and don’t even feed them.
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Just because they know how to operate a flush toilet doesn’t make them civilized.
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So maybe the argument of who’s the evilest link…the colonizers or colonized… is like
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trying to decide between Alien vs. Predator.
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That’s a battle that none of us want to get stuck fighting.
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Look, we're all capable of evil… whether we're native Africans, living isolated in
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the jungle…
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…civilized white folks drinking high tea while owning slaves, or carnivorous intergalactic
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species. That's why the novel has such an obsession
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with Kurtz.
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Not because he’s an alien, but because he represents what happens when we give into
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that darkness…
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We start using body parts as interior decoration.
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The colonel shows us that the darkness is inside of everyone.
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We hate to break it to you, but there are no good guys.
- 03:01
So what does all this evil stuff have to do with a heart of darkness?
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It might lie in the hearts of the uncivilized savages…
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Or in the hearts of the so-called civilized imperialists…
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Or maybe the darkness is in all of us.
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Or Joseph Conrad just thought it was a killer title.
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Really Scary Jungle Boat Ride sounds more like an amusement park attraction than a classic
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novel. Shmoop amongst yourselves.
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