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British Literature Videos 176 videos
Meet Charles Darnay, the nobleman who spends more time on trial and in prison than attending balls and drinking expensive wine. Don't feel too bad...
Written in Anglo-Saxon, or Old English, sometime between the 8th and 11th centuries, Beowulf is an epic poem that reflects the early medieval warri...
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Jane Eyre 72993 Views
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This video covers the plot of Jane Eyre, a novel by Charlotte Brontë. In it, Jane Eyre, an orphan-turned-governess with a miserable childhood falls in love with her new boss, Mr. Rochester. He has it all: looks, money, a crazy wife locked up in the attic. What’s a girl to do?
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Jane Eyre, a la Shmoop. It's no secret that everybody has a few skeletons
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in their closet. Or in their attic. Some secrets are more shocking than others.
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For instance, keeping your mentally unstable ex-wife hidden in your attic.
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Yep, that's Mr. Rochester's scandalous secret. Bertha Mason, the madwoman in the attic, plays
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a large part in the plot of Jane Eyre. So, what's her role in the book?
Full Transcript
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She might be a reflection of Rochester's past. Not a pretty picture.
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After Rochester married Bertha, he soon realized she was not the right fit for him.
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Whereas, Rochester is literally locking away his past and is ready to start a future with
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his new British bride. Bertha could also be a warning to Jane.
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Rochester seems to be an upstanding guy—aside from that whole wife-in-the-attic thing.
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Rochester started out reasonably happy with Bertha, but she was eventually locked away
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from the world. Could that be Jane's fate, too, if she doesn't
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please Rochester? After all, what's to stop Rochester from throwing
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Jane in the basement? The room's available. Finally, Bertha could be Jane's alter ego.
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Being a foreigner, Bertha is not your traditional British Victorian housewife.
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But neither is Jane. She's feisty and independent, which isn't the norm.
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When Jane is locked in the red room, she goes bananas, like when Bertha freaks out that
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she's locked in the attic. Jane complains about the expensive veil Rochester
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buys her. Enter Bertha. Like an elf sent to do Jane's
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bidding, she destroys the veil. Bertha and Jane have a lot in common, but
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it's sometimes hard to see because they're so superficially different.
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So, what role do you think Bertha played in Jane Eyre? A reflection of Rochester's past?
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A warning? An alter ego? Shmoop amongst yourselves.
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