Walk Two Moons Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #13

I don't know what came over me, but I almost reached up and touched his face. My heart was thumping so loudly that I thought he would be able to hear it. (26.26)

Sal is getting brave when it comes to love! Not only has she stopped flinching whenever someone tries to touch her, she's starting to get more courageous about reaching out to other people.

Quote #14

From the back window, I watched Mrs. Finney climb a ladder placed against the garage. On the roof, she took off her jacket and spread it out. A few minutes later, Mr. Finney came around the back of the house and climbed up the ladder. He lay down on the roof and put his arm around her. He kissed her. (26.26)

Mr. and Mrs. Finney are so in love. Through them we get to understand what Sal's mom and dad would be like if they were still together. Both the Finneys and the Hiddles have great romances.

Quote #15

Kissing was thumpingly complicated. (31.6)
