Walk Two Moons Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Just okay?" Mrs. Winterbottom suddenly leaned over and kissed Phoebe's cheek.

"I'm not a baby, you know," Phoebe said, wiping off the kiss. (17.8-9)

Oh geez, Phoebe, why do you have to be such a pain in the butt? Mrs. Winterbottom doesn't make huge demands of her family. In fact, it seems like all she wants to do is love them and talk to them. They don't even let her do this. Why do you think that is?

Quote #8

I thought she might change her mind, or at least tell me when she was leaving. But she did neither of those things. She left me a letter which explained that if she said good-bye, it would be too terribly painful and it would sound too permanent. She wanted me to know that she would think of me every minute and that she would be back before the tulips bloomed. (18.17)

At this moment, we realize that Sal's mom had intended to come home all along. She only intended to leave home temporarily. But why is it easier for Sal's mom to tell her this in a letter rather than in person?

Quote #9

He took my hand and stared at it for the longest time. His own hand was soft and warm. Mine was sweating like crazy. He was saying, "Hm" and tracing the lines of my palm with his finger. It gave me the shivers, but not in an entirely unpleasant way. The sun was beating down on us, and I thought it might be nice to stay there forever with him just running his finger along my palm like that. (20.17)

Oooooh! Sal's in love. Or maybe she's not in love, but she sure does like Ben Finney. It's funny how she doesn't admit to us that she likes him, but she describes everything that she is feeling in her body. So we know exactly how she feels about the guy.