Walk Two Moons Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

And when I told Gram and Gramps about flinching when Ben touched me and about how I went home and found Dad in the garage, Gram unbuckled her seat belt, turned all the way around and leaned over the back of her seat. She took my hand and kissed it. Gramps said, "Give her one for me, too," and so Gram kissed my hand again. (12.10)

Why does Gram kiss Sal's hand when Sal tells them about her flinching? What does it mean that Sal flinches whenever someone tries to touch her? Could this have something to do with her mother, and the way Sal's life has changed?

Quote #5

Later, when I went to see Gram, she was all tucked up in bed, pale and sleepy. Next to her on the narrow bed, Gramps was lying on top of the covers, stroking her hair. A nurse came in and made him get off the bed. He had, by now, put his pants on, but he looked a wreck. (15.44)

Gram and Gramps are so in love. They've been married for so long, and they are each other's best friends. Even if Sal's mom and dad didn't get to spend the rest of their lives together, it must give Sal comfort to see an example of a great love and romance in her grandparents.

Quote #6

He looked away and then said, "I like your hair."

"I was thinking of cutting it."

"Don't." (15.38-40)

Is Tom Fleet flirting with Sal Hiddle? And why does Sal tell him that she's thinking of cutting it? She told us she loves her long hair. Also, it's worth noting that both Ben and Tom compliment Sal's hair. It must be pretty darn nice.