Time Bandits Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Time Bandits.

Quote #1

DIANE: The Morrisons have got one that can do that in eight seconds. Block of ice to beef bourguignon in eight seconds. Lucky things.

There are a lot of ripe idiots running around in this movie, but none are riper than Kevin's parents, whose goal in life seems to be to collect newer and increasingly elaborate kitchen appliances. Reach for the stars, you two.

Quote #2

GAME SHOW HOST: Oh, dear me, Beryl. Now, all I want to know...is what famous film star begins with "C"? Do you understand the question, my darling?

Time Bandits points the finger at television as well. Take a look at the stupidest game show we've ever seen, for example. Does this thing even have rules?

Quote #3

NAPOLEON: Little things hitting each other. THAT'S WHAT I LIKE!

This man brought Europe to its knees, ruled over an empire as powerful as any on earth...and all he wants is a Punch and Judy show. Sometimes powerful men can be quite stupid.