Marriage Quotes in This Is Where I Leave You

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Never marry a beautiful woman. Worship them if you must, go to bed with them if you can [...] but when it comes to marriage, it's a losing proposition. (27.60)

So Judd might be a little biased here, but there's definitely some truth to what he says, only maybe not quite the way he means: beauty or not, don't marry someone thinking that they're just going to be a beautiful doll. Judd placed Jen up on a pedestal but forgot to treat her like a living, breathing, mourning human being.

Quote #8

"I needed you to see me as your wife and all you could see was the failed mother. And now I need you to see me as the mother of your child, and all you can see is the failed wife." (31.64)

Man, Judd just can't win. Here's a hint: maybe he should try seeing Jen as a woman, pure and simple, without projecting all his insecurities and expectations on her. How's that for an idea?

Quote #9

I am not real to him. This is his wedding day, and nothing is real to him. And I am in mourning, and in shock, and he is not real to me. We are ghosts, passing each other in a haunted house, and it's hard to say who pities whom more. (31.83)

When Judd runs into a wedding party after another fight with Jen, he shares a moment with the groom. It means nothing to the groom and everything to Judd, who sees the guy as a reflection of Judd on his own wedding day—naïve, overconfident, and in for a rude surprise.