Dissatisfaction Quotes in This Is Where I Leave You

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Under their scrutiny, my rage dissolved almost instantly, replaced with the hot shame of public emasculation. My wife had slept with another man, so what did that make me? (14.31)

Judd's dissatisfaction has a little to do with his own feelings and a lot to do with his desire to avoid public shaming. It's bad enough to experience a broken marriage—it's so much worse when that broken marriage is out on display.

Quote #8

"I don't have one. No great traumatic event to blame my small life on [...] I tried to make something of myself and I failed. That happens every day too." (16.31)

Once again, Penny proves that she's more than just a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. She's a person with hopes and dreams and disappointments of her own, who's telling Judd that he needs to grow up and take ownership of his life.

Quote #9

At this moment, I feel numb, and if you were to peel away the numbness you'd find a thick mucous membrane of trepidation, and if you were to slice through the membrane, you would find a throbbing cluster of outrage and regret. (20.31)

This is a lot of words to express something simple: Judd's scared that he'll be alone forever. This fear is at the core of everything he does, and—surprise!—it's basically at the core of everything everyone does.