Gender Quotes in The Red Tent

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Zilpah had little use for men, whom she described as hairy, crude, and half-human. Women needed men to make babies, and to move heavy objects, but otherwise she didn't understand their purpose, much less appreciate their charms. (1.1.36)

Zilpah has a purely objective view of men: they lift things and help make babies. That's it.

Quote #5

"He smelled, you know. Much better than most of the men. But still, the smell of goat and of man was overpowering." (1.2.6)

Yeah, men still smell. But at least they have Old Spice now.

Quote #6

The women rolled around on the mats, holding their sides, laughing about the tender equipment that men carried between their legs. (1.2.88)

See, women joked about men, and men joked about women back then, too. Anyway, why do you think the women find this particular fact so funny?