Mark Watney Quotes

Mark Watney

Quote 43

They did it because every human being has a basic instinct to help each other out. It might not seem that way sometimes, but it's true. (26.424)

It might sound new agey, but it's 100% true. Mark's story inspired countless individuals to join the cause and aid in his rescue, each making their own sacrifices—big and small—over those two years. Everybody contributed to getting him home, in their own way.

Mark Watney

Quote 44

The data dump carried e-mails and videos from home. It was the high point of the day. (12.192)

With all of the focus on Mark, it's easy to forget how much time the rest of the crew spends away from home. Plus, they got so close to Earth and had to turn back around. That stinks.

Mark Watney

Quote 45

Thanksgiving was going to happen [...] and NASA's shrinks thought it would be good for us to make a meal together. (3.30)

Well isn't that adorable. It's actually a good idea when you think about it—camaraderie is a crucial ingredient for a successful mission. If it was us, we'd be way too lazy to do any work after eating all of that turkey. And stuffing. And pie. And now we're hungry.