Mark Watney Quotes

Mark Watney

Quote 28

They say once you grow crops somewhere, you have officially "colonized" it. So technically, I colonized Mars. (13.7)

He actually did it! Mark is feeling pretty good about life right now: creating the first Martian farm feels like slam dunking the ball in Mars' face. Now that's what you call a Space Jam.

Mark Watney

Quote 29

I've got a few minutes before I run out of air and I'll be damned if I spend them playing Mars's little game. (14.2)

And just like that, Mark is down a dozen points in the fourth quarter. Every time it looks like he's about to pull away with the victory, Mars pulls out a crazy trick play and takes the lead.

Mark Watney

Quote 30

I've been thinking about laws on Mars. Yeah, I know, it's a stupid thing to think about, but I have a lot of free time. (19.24-25)

You're getting a little ahead of yourself on this one, Mark. Although you've done an admirable job surviving thus far, you've got to admit that you're fighting a losing battle—Mars is the god of war, after all. Your only hope is to run away before it's too late.