Mark Watney Quotes

Mark Watney

Quote 37

If there is a "later in life," I'll be happy to endure a little nostalgia. But for now, I just want to go home. (22.10)

For the first time, Mark actually believes that he'll make it home. That's huge. It was a struggle to survive, but he never took his eyes off the prize—planet Earth. This guy's been seeing red for way too long.

Mark Watney

Quote 38

If I get back to Earth, I'll be famous, right? A fearless astronaut who beat all the odds, right? I bet women like that. (24.103)

Mark, you sly devil! He has a point, though. Even if he makes it home, Mark's life will never be the same. He'll never be able to be anonymous again. Whether that's good or not depends entirely on your perspective.

Mark Watney

Quote 39

It got a little cramped. And by "a little cramped" I mean "we wanted to kill each other." I'd give anything to be in that cramped capsule with those guys again. (10.21-22)

Of course, it's not all sunshine and daisies—there's no way that six people can live together without any conflict. The important part is that they all eventually get back together, no matter what petty squabbles they might have had. In a way, it's a lot like living in a college dorm—except, you know, the whole space part.