Perseverance Quotes in The Danish Girl

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I think I know of some others. I'll pull them for you in the morning. They might be what you're looking for." She paused. "I mean, if that's what you want." (15.51)

Einar isn't very determined, so it's the perseverance of others that get him through. This minor librarian character, featured only in a couple of paragraphs, brings him book after book to help him study up on gender identity.

Quote #8

I must take Lili to Dresden. She and I will have to go. (16.49)

Greta's determination really shines through in short declarative sentences like these. "I must." "I will." Greta doesn't need colorful adjectives and fancy verbs to show what she needs to do.

Quote #9

"We've got to at least try." (17.94)

Here we see Carlisle exhibiting some of his family's perseverance. It must run in the family since Greta has it and Carlisle does, too. Plus their mother, the few times Greta thinks of her, is insanely stubborn, which is the flip side of the same coin.