The Danish Girl Chapter 17 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Einar devours books about gender development and convinces himself that he possesses female organs.
  • One afternoon, Carlisle takes Einar to a tennis match between a French woman and an American woman.
  • Carlisle tells Einar he knows about Lili, and like Greta, he wants to help, too.
  • Einar allows Carlisle to take him to more doctors.
  • The first, an American psychiatrist named Dr. McBride, thinks Einar is a homosexual and that he needs to fight his desires.
  • The next, Dr. Christophe Mai, is pleasant, but wants Einar committed to a hospital for people with schizophrenia.
  • That night, Einar asks Greta if she thinks he is insane.
  • She doesn't, not at all.
  • The third doctor Carlisle and Einar visit is Dr. Buson, referred to Carlisle by Hans.
  • Carlisle says Hans is suspicious of Einar and Lili, and that Einar should just tell him the truth because he would understand and be supportive.
  • Dr. Buson seems helpful at first—he says that Einar can definitely choose who he wants to be—but then he says all Einar has to do is have a lobotomy.
  • Um…. No.
  • That afternoon, rain falls hard and Einar feels hopeless.