Perseverance Quotes in The Danish Girl

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But how could she remain married to a man who sometimes wanted to live as a woman? I'm not going to let something like that stop me, she told herself, her sketchbook in her lap. (12.16)

Many women would give up and walk away in Greta's shoes, but not Greta. She is determined to stay with Einar, and as we see in this line, she uses her art to stay on track. A less determined woman wouldn't paint one hundred paintings of the same subject.

Quote #5

What was it Carlisle used to say about her? No stopping good old Greta once she gets going. No one can stop her at all. (14.21)

Greta has a reputation for not stopping. Her husband knows it, her brother knows it, and her friends know it. You go, girl.

Quote #6

What was it Greta was always saying? Worst thing in the world is to give up! (15.47)

Einar borrows Greta's determination here. Her perseverance is contagious and inspiring.